In general, antibiotics and traditional Chinese medicine are widely used to cure diseases, among which the herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is often recommended to patients with prostatitis. It has a strong ability to relieve symptoms triggered by prostatitis and protect the male prostate health. If you don’t like medication to some extent, prostate massage may be helpful for you 출장마사지.
Doctors point out that prostate massage is a useful method to reduce painful feeling, and there are usually four steps that are needed to teach you the correct massage process.
Step one
You should maintain the defecation posture, and at the same time, you need to squat well and use water to clean the anal part, to ensure that there is no bacteria breeding. Please remember that the anus must be cleaned, and it’s better to clean the inner part of it as well.
Step two
With one hand on the floor, you can put the index finger of another hand into the anus. You should notice that you have to lubricate the finger with soapy water and always wear a fingerstall. When you can feel a ball or something that it’s the size of a chestnut, then you can gently massage it with your finger.
Step three
You should keep in mind the exact time of each massage and gently press as you can to make certain fluid flow out of the urethra. You may think it’s urine at the first sight, but it’s actually the prostatic fluid, which is created by the prostate gland. Remember, you are supposed to finish this movement three or five times for about three to five minutes each time.
Step four
You’d better ask the doctor that well understand the prostate massage to help you finish the first massage, and then you can undertake the next one by yourself. Don’t do it yourself until you grasp the right method. It is necessary to reach the right place of the prostate gland when doing the prostate massage. Right point means great effect, otherwise you may hurt yourself by accident and make the prostatitis worse. If you can surely feel the position, then you will massage it yourself without any concern.
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